On May 3rd, 2006 during a ceremony held on World Press Freedom Day by UNESCO Beirut, a torch was lit in commemoration of the last fallen journalist Gebran Tueni.
As an artist I sometimes let my mind wander and I daydream about a different reality I would like to see for my country and the Lebanese nation.
When I read biographies of people like Gebran Tueni it's almost impossible to believe this was a real person and the things written in his biography did actually take place. It's like some of my day dreams came true.
A respected journalist, son of publishing magnate, and former statesman who served as an ambassador, a minister, and a member of Parliament and represented Lebanon at the United Nations. Tueni studied in France, returned to Lebanon and became a lead editorialist in An-Nahar newspaper.
The main thing that jumps to my mind when I hear the name Tueni is his part and mainly his vocal drive to free Lebanon from Syrian occupation, and especially his courage to speak up against Syria whilst still residing in Lebanon.
The massive car blast on the 12th of December, 2005 was the only way the goal of the Syrian-installed regime to silence the press could be achieved.
At the ceremony a book named "One Hundred Years of Red Ink", a commemoration for all assassinated Lebanese journalist over the last decade, was handed to journalists and students. The book covers the history of press freedom violations in Lebanon after many journalists had to pay a price to mark and defend press freedom in Lebanon. I feel sad we have such a history, and enough to fill the pages of an entire book.
Tueni is credited for fueling the momentum of demonstrations which culminated in the one-million-strong march on Martyr's Square on March 14, 2005 and for turning the tide against Syria. During the demonstrations, Tueni and his followers would take the following oath: "We swear by God Almighty, Muslims and Christians, to forever remain united, long live Lebanon and the Lebanese". May the torch lit at the ceremony, and all that’s being done towards the fight for freedom of the press kindle our hearts and give us hope for better days for Lebanon and our nation.