South Lebanon

Who remembers now the names of the towns and villages in the south, those that suffered so much destruction during the war? All those usually un-famous little places, picturesque landscapes, suddenly stormed by war and sorrow.
Once captured the headlines of all media – TV, radio and internet. Now soon forgotten.
How can we make sure that those beautiful places will remain forgotten, but will live peacefully and flourish?
Seeing our national army's troops deploying to the south, gives me hope that a strong Lebanon will stand against all those external forces (Israel, but also the Syrians and the Iranians that created Hezbollah and pushed us all to this bloody war).
PM Seniora, May your tears symbolize the raindrops of the renewing Lebanon. The spring water of growth and power. With the help of Allah, This army will grow and be strong and have a stabilizing effect on Lebanon.